CSS Transitions!

Some links:

Wolfram|Alpha  • Duck Duck Go  • French Google

In this half of the page, we're going to look at the various CSS3 transition effects. This is the left half.

View SASS Markup

This box grows and spins 180 degrees.

These transitions, and transformations, also produce the "flickering" glitch I mentioned in my last assignment.

This box grows wider, to fill the column.

Wow, look at all of these cool CSS transformations. Pretty nifty, huh? There's some more text here, there has to be text here so the page looks more complete. Even more text. It keeps going and going.

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In this half of the page, we're going to look at even more CSS3 transitions. The ones over on the left were pretty cool, huh? These ones are really cool, too.

View Compiled CSS

This box changes colors and shrinks.

These transitions, and transformations, also produce the "flickering" I mentioned in my last assignment.

This box changes to green instead of blue.

Look at all of this text. Here's some more text that says nothing. What a bunch of hog wash! I don't care for hog wash.

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