Tanner Babcock

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Year Title Rating
1991 Super-Electric 6/10
1992 Peng! 6.5/10
1993 The Groop Played 'Space Age Bachelor Pad Music' 6.5/10
1993 Transient Random Noise-Bursts with Announcements 8/10
1994 Mars Audiac Quintet 6/10
1995 Charles Long & Stereolab - Music for the Amorphous Body Study Center .../...
1996 Emperor Tomato Ketchup 7/10
1997 Dots and Loops 7.5/10
1997 Stereolab & Nurse with Wound - Simple Headphone Mind 6.5/10
1999 >>Cobra and Phases Group Play Voltage in the Milky Night .../...
2000 The First of Microbe Hunters 5.5/10
2001 >>Sound-Dust .../...
2004 >>Margerine Eclipse .../...
2006 >>Fab Four Suture .../...
2007 >>Earth Horizons or the Electrocution of Rock .../...
2008 Chemical Chords 4.5/10
2010 Not Music 6.5/10

Review last updated: February 23, 2021


Uh don't have much to say about Stereolab...

they're alright I guess