Tanner Babcock

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Iron MaidenHave a Nice LifeTerry RileyMichael JacksonRed House Painters

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Agnès VardaRobert BressonYorgos LanthimosCarl Theodor DreyerMichelangelo Antonioni

Random film review:

Lars von Trier

Lars von Trier is a dangerous filmmaker. When I say "dangerous", I don't mean physically dangerous like he could hurt you or something, I mean the ideas his films present are often abusively challenging on the mind and emotional state. He dethroned the great Ingmar Bergman as the master ...

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Random music review:

Throbbing Gristle

Throbbing Gristle was one of the most influential figures in recorded music. They made music that was the antithesis of what most artists want for themselves - not beautiful music, or stylized music, or even traditionally composed music, but the opposite: ugly, atonal, offbeat, disgusting, abrasive nightmares. This was their protest not only aga...

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12 Film Reviews

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30 Music Reviews

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