Are you aware that every last detail of your digital existence is being capitalized on endlessly and mercilessly, without your knowledge or consent? Amazon and Google listen to you through your smart speaker. The FBI is recording your every move through your webcam and your two cameras on your phone. Does this sound like exaggeration? Like I've read too many dystopian novels? Like I just watched Brazil or something? The more research you do into these companies, the more you will realize I am not exaggerating at all. Here is a perfect example of the ever-eviscerating mental hellscape, something I saw when I logged onto Google for the first time in a few days
EXPLOITATION, Manipulation, Constructing an Illusion of control for the abused and exploited. This behavior of these handful of technology companies is inhumane. This is the same thing that Facebook does, telling you "it" "cares" about you, "your friends" care about you (with random selections of your recent messages), and ""won't you please feel 'insecure' so you will buy new mini skirts"". This is what Tinder and OkCupid and Instagram do, making other people seem more interested in you than they really are. Feeding your ego, widening the gap inside yourself, further feeding your quest for validation and approval. Google is at it again, do you want to know what this is?
This is an illusion of control. Google wants ...
Bicycle Thief. This is really the most important film you'll ever see and it happens to be Italian
8 1/2 by Fellini. Just watch it. This film is almost a musical, certainly choreographed, even though because of the way Italian films were made, the dialog doesn't match the characters' lips. And yet characters dance perfectly to the classical selections. If that doesn't make sense, good. If you dig his style, go to I Remember or La Dolce Vita.
Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom (or if you're squeamish, Gospel According to Matthew which is much less gruesome) by Pasolini. Yeah yeah you can dismiss this as a "shock" film or whatever
L'avventura, L'eclisse, La Notte by Antonioni. Pick one, if you like it you will end up watching all three. Get ready for a film that tells a story purely with images and only sparse dialog.
Germany Year Zero or Rome, Open City by Roberto Rosselini
Really fun picks that are less "important":
The Conformist by Bernardo Bertolucci
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion by Elio Petri
Congratulations you are officially Italian. Please grow rosemary, garlic, and pepperocini from the vines of your stone house your eight dads gave you
Too lazy to link all those guys, just search em
Please shout the words "pineapple hat boy" at me. That way, I will conclude one of two things:
you're cool and are granted Tanner seal of approval
you creep you recognize me from le phone book?
If you do not shout the words "PINEAPPLE HAT BOY PINEAPPLE BOY" at me, I will assume you don't really care about me since you haven't paid attention TO My Best Thing Ever! Take that, Mom and Dad!
#PineappleBoyTanner #SixYearsAndAWebsite
Hello future employers! I am a highly profitable man. I have no weaknesses, faults, prejudices, or complaints. I am not depressed, I have no chronic health issues, and I don't use recreational drugs! Please hire me! I will work for very low pay and I will subject myself to unpleasant languages for you. Please, don't have a look around this website! This website is a hobbyist portfolio and nothing else! All of those art works aren't mine. I am incapable of vulnerability, except when it allows me to further my career and get my coworkers to trust me. I am a shell of a person and I need the authority and structure of a big job with a big boss like you (potentially?) to fill the void in myself.
I love one thing and one thing only: Authority! Actually, two things, I love Criticism "Feedback"! Please give me lots and lots of Feedback(tm) and lots of meetings with HR so I know who the boss is in your company. Please destroy my identity further. :^)
Dear sirs, please Agile Work Place My Butt