Yes, it has been that long. I'm really sorry for being weird on here, I didn't realize anyone actually looked at my website that closely. Thank you all for your support. It's really amazing that I've been getting emails from people all over the world, people who look at this website, people who watch my videos, people who say I actually helped them. It's a very gratifying feeling and it makes me want to keep doing this stuff, with the website and the videos. I remember 5 years ago when I had like 3 followers on GitHub, now I have almost 30. Some people have even sent me donations, and I want to say that I appreciate that from the bottom of my heart.
This year, I finally had a Bandcamp order for a Culture Chester tape, from fucking Netherlands. I get more plays for my music on Spotify from Germany, than probably any other country, for some reason. I don't completely understand why people in Europe find my music on the internet, and like it, more than people I know in real life, in America, but I think it's awesome. Europe's better than North America anyway.
Against all odds, despite some people's criticism, and with the help of family members: there will still be in 2025. I get to update the dates in all the code. Maybe I will finally get around to fixing some of the programming knots I've tangled tighter and tighter over 8 years in production. Maybe I will make more blog posts, maybe I won't. I will work on this website more next year, and make more content for it, so please check back for new stuff.
For real. Don't worry J. Our songs still in tact. I don't update the website that often anymore but I will. Rap music
Yeaaaah I need some good news with my music. My whole discography is available on Spotify, as well as iTunes, Apple Music, YouTube, Pandora etc. Please, just search "Erases Eraser" and you'll find me! You can also listen to any of the four Tantrum Throwers albums. This is thanks to a service called DistroKid.
My new album "x", which features Grundy and Knollenberg, will also appear on Spotify and services next to the others. Get ready for some white guy raps
Hey everyone. Some fellas from London approached me about putting out some records. So that's cool. Neuroses was just released on Grumpy Records, and my self-titled Erases Eraser will release January 3, 2020. The self-titled album will appear in four places: My Bandcamp, Grumpy Records Bandcamp, the Internet Archive for free download, and this website, The album has been in development for over a year, with two of the tracks having been completed in late 2018.
I am still holding my breath about getting another year for this website. Damn automatic payments. Like I'm literally walking around crossing my fingers, wondering if there will still be in 2020.
The album cover for my next album will definitely be the color green.
The second part of this misleading title is true. I am now employed (remotely) as a software developer at a software company that will remain nameless. After years of chasing my tail with this art and music shit, my programming has come through and I am now making a living from it. Also, the benefits include bragging rights and a much more inflated idea of myself.
I hope the rest of you are enjoying good fortune and peace in your lives as I am.